Christmas Trees

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18" Coloured Sparklers (Pack of 5)

This long 18" sparkler burns beautiful colours and is a good addition to any firework display.
Christmas Trees Extras
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10" Gold Sparklers (Pack of 10)

This pack of 10 sparklers and is a true addition to any fireworks display.
Christmas Trees Extras
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6ft Slim Fibre Optic Green Christmas Tree with Brown Baubles

6ft slim green Christmas tree with multi-coloured fibre-optics and brown baubles. The fibre optics slowly colour change and the slim nature of the tree...
Christmas Christmas Trees
Fibre Optic Christmas Tree

6ft Fibre Optic Green Christmas Tree with Warm White LEDs

6ft green Christmas tree with warm white LEDs and fibre-optics. The LEDs are multifunctional with a choice of 8 functions and the tree also...
Christmas Christmas Trees
Fibre Optic Christmas Tree

6ft Snow Tipped Green Christmas Tree with Multi-Coloured Starbursts

6ft snow tipped green Christmas tree with multi-coloured LED fibre-optic starburst. The LED feather fibre-optics continuously colour morph and flash. The video shows how...
Christmas Christmas Trees
Fibre Optic Christmas Tree

6ft Fibre Optic White Christmas Tree with Multi-Coloured LED Stars

6ft white fibre-optic Christmas tree with multi-coloured LED stars. The stars are multi-functional with 8 effects. The video shows how the tree would look...
Christmas Christmas Trees
Fibre Optic Christmas Tree
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Whirlpool Catherine Wheel

Pack of 2 mixed effect wheels: 1 x Red, green and yellow as well as 1 x Red, green and titanium flower.
Christmas Trees Extras

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